Dr. Bibian Ugoala

Dr. Bibian Ugoala

Impressive academic and professional journey in linguistics and education

My Recent Publication

Internet Fake News and Issues of Misrepresentation and Misinterpretation

Achieving Error-free posts in Asynchronous facilitation Findings from the Discuss...


Communication is pertinent to the existence of all human endeavours. Without communication, most sectors of our endeavours may be deformed.


Active membership in learned societies and research grants for conferences and joint projects
Member of ESAN, LAN, and PRAN
Recipient of Travel Grants and Joint Research Grant
Well-connected online presence on Research Gate and Google Scholar

My name is Dr. Bibian Ugoala a Lecturer I at the National Open University of Nigeria

 Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have achieved remarkable milestones and received notable grants, including Travel Grants for conferences and a Joint Research Grant from Tetfund (2021-2023).

With extensive teaching experience, I have served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Lagos. I am actively engaged in learned societies, including ESAN, LAN, and PRAN. My research spans various areas, from discourse analysis to linguistic studies. Currently, my focus is on Open Distance and e-Learning in the Global South.

Author and co-author of books and articles, with a focus on discourse analysis and linguistic studies Current project on Open Distance and e-Learning Publication in reputable journals. Expertise in course material development

Extensive teaching experience in various universities and dedication to education

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • Adjunct Lecturer

Interested in online learning?

I teach Communication courses and Speech writing courses to students Online.